Whistle-Blowers Welcome

Welcome to the Patriot Punk Network's Insiders page! We are a network that believes in the power of transparency and accountability in government. We are on a mission to expose corruption at all levels of government and bring about real change for the people of Tennessee. If you are in a position to gather evidence of government or political corruption, we want to hear from you. 

Whether you are a government employee, a political operative, or simply someone with access to important information, we want to help you shine a light on the situation. We know that coming forward can be a scary and difficult decision, which is why we are here to support you every step of the way. We can even supply you with recording equipment if needed. 

Our goal is not to make trouble or cause chaos. We simply believe that the people of Tennessee have a right to know what their elected officials are doing in their name. We believe that the only way to hold our public officials accountable is to expose their wrongdoings and demand change. We are committed to doing this work with integrity and professionalism, and we are always looking for new insiders to join us in our fight for a better and more transparent government.

So if you are ready to take a stand and help us make a real difference in Tennessee, please fill out the form  below to get in touch with us. Together, we can create a brighter future for all of us. 

If you aren't in a position to become a whistleblower, but still want to support our mission, we encourage you to visit our Support page at patriotpunknetwork.com/support. Here, you can learn more about how you can contribute to our cause, whether it be through financial support or sharing our videos and spreading the word. We believe that by working together, we can hold our public officials accountable and bring about real change for the people of Tennessee. Thank you for joining us in this important fight!

Insider Tip
