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Patriot Punkcast

Live sundays @ 7pm CST on Rumble

Patriot Punkcast #40 - Beer Permits, Ethics Investigations & Racist Litter + Biden DROPS OUT

Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 09:42 PM


BREAKING NEWS! Biden DROPS OUT of 2024 Presidential Race!

Here in Tennessee:
Cookeville Considers Public Event Beer Permits, but only for Non-Profits!

Rutherford County Property Assessor Under Ethics Investigation! Who knew that Rutherford County had an Ethics Board?!? Where have they been the last few years?!?

Racists Drop Litter and Democrats suggest that's the way to combat them! Is that a good idea?

Patriot Punkcast #39 - Assassination Attempt of Future President Donald Trump

Monday, July 15, 2024, 06:18 PM


Tonight Courtenay Turner joins us to discuss the only news worth discussing--the attempted assassination of Former and Future President Donald J Trump

Patriot Punkcast #38 - Covenant Copyright Coverup & Crosswalk Catastrophe

Monday, July 8, 2024, 11:17 PM

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On Friday July 5, 2024--the day after we celebrated our independence from an oppressive government--the Activist Judge in the Covenant Open Records case ruled the shooter's writings would not be released, citing copyright claims asserted by the trust which the writings were gifted too by the parents of the shooter. We are going to thoroughly examine the decision handed down by the Influencer/Activist Chancellor Myles and determine if her decision has any substance.

Plus, less than a full week after the rainbow crosswalk was painted on the streets of Nashville, an individual has vandalized it. Is anyone surprised? What will be the repercussions of this? Will he be charged with a "hate crime"? What even is a "hate crime"

Joining us for this discussion tonight is our good friend from Wilson County Mom's for Liberty, Amanda Price.

Plus, we are going to take a look at some of the hot races to watch this August! Not just Primaries but also local general races are starting to heat up and early voting begins soon!

Please share this show with your friends and don't forget to smash that like button!

Patriot Punkcast #37 - Inflatable IUD's, Immigration, & Election Insights

Monday, July 1, 2024, 10:25 PM

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Learn More about Chris Spencer:

Joining us for tonight's discussion is State Senate hopeful Chris Spencer. He's running for the Tennessee State Senate in District 18 (Sumner & Trousdale County) and is challenging 14-year incumbent Ferrell Haile.

We're diving headfirst into some hot-button issues and explosive stories:

1. **Immigration Letters:** We'll dissect the fiery correspondence the TN Holler has been buzzing about. How do these letters tie into the broader debate on election integrity? We want to hear your thoughts!

2. **Phil Williams' Investigation:** Phil Williams is on the case, but is the uproar over ~265 fliers really justified? We’ll argue that this so-called "hate" incident might be more hype than substance, especially given the state's population. Brace yourself for a provocative discussion!

3. **Medical Freedom:** Chris Spencer, a strong proponent of medical freedom, will share his views on Big Pharma's influence and discuss why he believes his opponent, Ferrell Haile, may not share the same commitment to this issue. This promises to be a compelling segment you won’t want to miss.

4. **Legislative Plaza Incident:** What's the deal with the inflatable IUD that made waves at Legislative Plaza? We’ve got the lowdown on this bizarre yet significant event.

5. **Mount Juliet Drug Bust:** For laughs, we'll dive into the jaw-dropping Taco Bell burrito drug bust in Mount Juliet. You won't believe the creative lengths some people will go to hide their drug dealing. This wild story is sure to leave you shaking your head in disbelief!

Never Mind the Bollocks & Watch the Patriot Punkcast- it's going to be a wild one!

Looking for Censorship-Free Web Hosting

My good friend Josh Who is the place to go! He's a great guy who has been censored himself, and instead of complaining, he has built his own solution. He deserves support, even if only for the reason that he provides the Patriot Punk Network a place we can publish our work without the fear of censorship.

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