Rutherford County Schools Director Search Timeline Under Scrutiny
chase matheson 4/12/2022
RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TN - If you've kept up with local school board news you've likely heard that Director of Education Bill Spurlock is being replaced. The decision came after a poor annual review and numerous reports of bullying came to light, making parents and board members skeptical about his ability to manage the 4th largest school district in the state of Tennessee.
Frances Rosales, who is running for School Board in Zone 7, raised concerns in a Press release yesterday. In the release Rosales says she was present at the April 4, 2022 special meeting where a final hiring date of May 28, 2022 was set. Rosales compares the Director of Education to a company's CEO and says particular aspects of the process, such as background checks and employment histories, to be non-negotiable. Rosales claims when the board hired Bill Spurlock several years ago they neglected to perform their required due diligence and now they have the opportunity to show they will not make the same mistake twice.
"The next Superintendent must be fully vetted to prove that they have the leadership skills to handle the numerous needs of the students in our county." Rosales says.
"Rosales suggests that in this current hiring round that the Board takes the time to allow for a thorough screening process in which candidates will prove their qualifications. Unlike the current search criteria which focuses on soft skills, it would be in the best interest of the school system to have a new hiring brochure that lists those qualifications along with budget management for growth, program development, staff structuring, and new policy implementation"
Read the full press release below. Rosales does not face a challenger in the Republican primary on May 3, 2022, but will be facing Cindy Daniels in the General Election on August 4, 2022. You can learn more about her by visiting her website
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